Women in Tech Maldives partners with Coding Bee as a partner to host theCode Olympiad 2023, an international coding competition that will take place fully online. The event is organized in collaboration between Coding Bee Academy Indonesia and partners as Code Olympiad’s international ambassadors;Codercub from Mongolia, Thate Pan Hub from Myanmar, and Women in Tech Maldives, and Coding Bee Academy from Indonesia

Code Olympiad is a coding competition that started as a platform for young programmers to showcase their work. The goal is to inspire other students when they present their work. We also hope that this activity can open up paradigms and provide insight to the public about the importance of learning computer science at an early age. Code Olympiad 2023 is open for all young coders (age 5-18 years old).

The theme for this year's Code Olympiad is Sustainable Lifestyle. The competition aims to encourage young coders to showcase their creativity and innovation by building projects that promote sustainable living practices. All young coders aged 5-18 are welcome to participate in this global competition.

Registration for the Code Olympiad 2023 is now open, and the deadline is March 10th, 2023. There will be two rounds of the competition: the semifinal and the final. The final will be held on April 15th, 2023, where the finalists will present their projects. Participation of this coding competition is free.

Registration for Code Olympiad 2023 can be done through the following form: https://bit.ly/RegisCodeOlympiad2023

All participants in the Code Olympiad 2023 competition will receive an e-certificate and medal.Participants need a computer/laptop (MAC, Windows, etc. that can be used to create programs), email, and an internet network. Because the competition will be run virtually and online, participants are encouraged to ensure the internet network is stable during the presentation (final round).

"We are thrilled to announce this exciting event," said Eko Haripin, CEO of Coding Bee Academy. "Code Olympiad 2023 will provide an opportunity for young coders from around the world to showcase their talent and passion for coding while making a positive impact on the environment."

This is an excellent opportunity for young coders to challenge themselves, have fun, and gain valuable experience in coding. 

For more information, please visit our website: www.codeolympiad.id