Inspire, Empower, Celebrate

Women in Tech Maldives (Women in Techmv) is a non-profit organisation working to inspire, empower and celebrate women in Science and Technology. We aim to accelerate the growth of women in science and technology by creating opportunities that foster innovation and build the community. 👩💻🍳♂️🚀


Ada loivelace
140 islands covered
70+ events
210 Members
19 Collaborations
10,00+ participants
70+ Girls trained to Code
7000+ Girls Inspired
10 initiatives
CALL: 8(800)316-06-42

inspire, empower and celebrate women in Science and Technology.

inspire, empower and celebrate women in Science and Technology.
Women In Tech Maldives (Women in Techmv) is a non-profit organisation working to

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Key initiatives

womenpoweredSTEMFESTCyber Smarthour of code maldivesGirls to Code Maldives

Collaborate with us to build a better community

1. Community events and Programmes

Designing and running events and programs in the area of technology, cyber security, startups. Provide mentorship support .

2. Research and Development

Provide research and development support for new digital product/services.

3. Policies and Strategies

Develop and provide feedback on policies and strategies in the area related to Women, Science and Tech.

4. Inspire and Celebrate

Join us in marking important days where you recognize women in the area of science and technology

5. Career and Growth Support

Share Science and Tech career opportunities with our member and community groups

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I involve?

Join as a member or collaborate with us to give something awesome back to the community

Who can become a member?

Any Maldivian who is above 18 years and who believes in our mission to inspire, empower and celebrate women in science and tech can join as a member.

What are the member benefits?

Members get to be part of the network, providing support in terms of job, training, and mentoring. Any and all opportunities available for the organisation will be shared with the members

How can I ask a question?

You can message us on facebook, twitter or drop us an email on

How can I support ?

You can support us by volunteering for our events, partnering with us to reach the wider community

Partners and Supporters

We succeed because of our collaborations and partnerships